What our parents and carers say
“A wonderful nursery where our girls feel very safe, secure, loved and part of the family. The staff are brilliant. “
“We are so happy with Brookhouse farm – we feel her individual needs are met – her love of ballet, letters and numbers is definitely encouraged.”
“My daughter loves nursery, the staff and all her friends – She would come to nursery everyday if she could, and often plays nursery at home.”
Parent satisfaction survey highlights
100% of parents agree:
their child’s transition from home to nursery went well and they received enough information and support from staff.
their child enjoys coming to nursery.
the nursery has a happy/homely atmosphere.
they feel welcome when they come into nursery.
the staff and management team are approachable.
playrooms and outdoor areas are well laid out and equipped with a good selection of resources.
activities are varied and benefit their children.
their child has a healthy varied diet.